We can all imagine the immediate effects of domestic violence on the individual that experiences the abuse – bruising, cuts, broken bones, internal injuries, etc. But what are the long-term effects of the violence on a victim? Studies are showing that the long-term effects are great. Research is revealing that trauma, including domestic violence, alters a victim’s body at the cellular and chemical level.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have found that the long-term physical effects in the body can include:
* Migraine headaches
* Stomach ulcers
* Irritable bowel syndrome
* Chronic pain
* Heart problems
* Asthma
* Arthritis
* Nightmares
* Difficulty sleeping
* Digestive problems
* Immune system issues
* Sexual and reproductive health issues
* Increased stress
The CDC has also found that domestic violence may intensify or increase health problems that are already present including heart disease, diabetes, asthma, and stroke. Victims have a 70 percent higher rate of some forms of heart disease, as well as higher rates of stroke, and four types of cancer. They typically have a more difficult time controlling diabetes and asthma. The stress of abuse increases aging, lowers immunity, and slows healing of the body. The long term effects of abuse can continue to bring negative consequences to the health of the victim for an average of ten years after the abuse ends. Some damage is permanent.
If you are a victim of domestic violence, contact The Safe Place at 501-354-1884 in Conway County and 501-889-2030 in Perry County. Our Hotline Number is 1-888.554.2501 where advocates are available 24 hours a day.
Health effects of violence. (2019, January 30). Retrieved from https://www.womenshealth.gov/relationships-and-safety/effects-violence-against-women
The Hidden Consequences Of Domestic Violence Linger For Decades. (2014, September 26). Retrieved from https://archive.thinkprogress.org/the-hidden-consequences-of-domestic-violence-linger-for-decades-c943c468a992/
Understanding the long-term health effects of domestic violence. (2016, October 20). Retrieved June 16, 2020, from https://www.viachristi.org/blog/understanding-long-term-health-effects-domestic-violence#sthash.xTC8K2XZ.64WLCmgV.dpbs
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