Today, judging others seems to be practiced by too many people. It is easy to post comments on social media, regardless if it is about politicians, celebrities or every day people. By focusing on “now” and not thinking ahead, we do not realize the full effect of what behaviors such as bullying, meanness or even exclusion has on others.
Everyone has a journey. Our journeys are not the same; however, they all are difficult at times. Everyone will struggle and face obstacles and challenges. We can make life much easier by being kind to one another. Our kindness will make life easier and better hopefully inspiring others to be kind. Kindness is love. Love matters. Kindness matters.
How can you share your kindness? You can take a friend to lunch, visit with a neighbor, write a “thank you” note to someone or simply say “Good Morning”.
Children are the future of tomorrow. Parents, caregivers, teachers and other adults can encourage children to think about other’s feelings before they act. Kindness can be taught in our everyday lives.
*Do Unto Others: How would you feel if someone said mean things or treated you unkindly? Would you rather receive a compliment or be made fun of?
*Kind Words and Smiles: Be friendly and say something nice. Be a good role model.
*Thank You, Please and More: Good manners and speaking to people in a nice way are acts of kindness.
*Kindness Is Contagious: Speak in a kind way, even when you are tired and frustrated. Encouraging kindness makes you feel better.
*Teach Character Building! Children who hold the values of respect, courage and kindness are going to be strong to avoid becoming a bully, victim or uninvolved bystander.
Being kind will help you grow to be a happy and loving person.
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. For more information please visit our Bully Prevention page located under the Prevention header located on the website.
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