Healthy relationships require respect, trust and open communication. Respect for both oneself and others is a key characteristic of healthy relationships. Building healthy patterns early in your relationship can establish a solid foundation for the future. Look for someone who will: • Treat you with respect. • Doesn’t make fun of things you like or want to […]
Intimate Partner Violence Survey
You are invited to take part in a research study of victims of intimate partner violence (IPV). The purpose of this study is to examine the behaviors associated with IPV, focusing on the Emotional Intelligence levels of IPV victims. This information will assist in providing interventions and training based on the specific emotional needs of […]
Domestic Violence: A Practical Guide For Navigating The Legal System In Arkansas
Domestic Violence: A Practical Guide for Navigating the Legal System in Arkansas is a book written by attorneys aiming to help domestic violence victims through the criminal, civil and domestic issues within the Arkansas court system that survivors deal with. Two copies of the book have been distributed to every public library in the state […]
Amazing Kids ~ Encourage Kindness
The first day of school brings on a variety of reactions. A sweet young kindergartener may attempt to hide herself behind her mother’s legs, being fearful of the unknown. A seventh grade boy may plead with his mom not to linger or take pictures on that first day of school and embarrass him. Even with […]
We Are Here To Help
We are here to help you discover your feelings . . . Not to make feelings go away. We are here to help you identify your options . . . Not to decide for you what you should do. We are here to help you discover your strengths . . . Not to rescue you […]
Stop Bullying Now!
Think Twice – Be Nice Statistics show that about one in four kids fall victim to a mean kid on a regular basis. United, we have a voice. Mean kids need to know that they must think twice and be nice. Our voices can put a stop to this behavior. Hurt kids need to think […]
History of Vine
Mary had been raped, assaulted, and stalked by her former boyfriend in late 1993. He was arrested and jailed for these crimes, but someone posted his bail, and he was released. There was no way for Mary to know. On the evening of December 6, 1993, Mary sat in her car as it warmed up […]
Domestic Violence Facts and Figures
Arkansas has the 5th highest rate of rape in the United States. An estimated 18.6% of Arkansas women will experience stalking in their lifetime. 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner. On a typical day, domestic violence hotlines receive approximately 21,000 calls […]
2015 Domestic Violence Counts – Arkansas Summary
On September 16, 2015, 22 out of 34 identified domestic violence programs in Arkansas participated in the 2015 National Census of Domestic Violence Services. Services provided during this 24-hour survey period are as follows: 358 Victims Served in One Day 242 Domestic Violence victims found refuge in emergency shelters or transitional housing; of the 242 […]
About The Safe Place
At The Safe Place, Inc., our trained staff is here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We can answer your questions, and we provide many services. Click the above image to learn more.