COVID-19, also known as Coronavirus, has been causing problems throughout the United States for a couple of months now. Cases are steady on the rise and social distancing seems as if it is going to last longer and longer. Because of the social distancing guidelines, many parents have been laid off their jobs and children […]
“Strong and Thriving Families” National Child Abuse Awareness Theme for 2020
April is National Child Abuse Awareness Month. The theme for 2020’s campaign is “Strong and Thriving Families”. The Children’s Bureau decided to go with this theme this year because they know the theme “recognized that supporting families is important to ensuring the safety, permanency, and well-being of our nation’s children.” Unfortunately, child abuse is something […]
Parenting Through a Pandemic: Part 2, AMI Links For Area Schools
As you all know, the school have been ordered to stay closed through April 17th, 2020. This means each student will have additional AMI work days to be done during this time. Below you will find each of the districts information about AMI work: South Conway County School District: SCCSD released the statement below about […]
Parenting Through A Pandemic: Part 1
In the last few months, the media has been saturated by coverage of the Coronavirus, now known as COVID-19. This is a novel (new) strand of Coronavirus that is rapidly spreading through the globe and causing a lot of issues and fear world-wide. In efforts to help ease the fears of children and parents through […]
Children and Phones: How Young is Too Young?
In today’s society, children are using smart phones and the internet at a younger age than ever before. According to Judy Arnall, author of Parenting with Patience, the average age a child gets their own phone is 10 years old. This means by the 4th to 5th grade most children will have a smart phone and be […]
February is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
February is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM). All month long, organizations and schools around the US are coming together to educate teens on dating violence and red flags to look for in relationships. Every year about 1.5 Million high school students admit to being in a physically abusive relationship. Most of the time, […]
Body Shaming is Bullying, too!
Every day children are bombarded with images, songs, and videos of skinny, beautiful, and altogether unrealistic looking young women, young men, as well as adult women and men. They see these images and think they need to be skinny and beautiful just like these people or no one will like them or accept them for […]
Drugs and Alcohol and Your Children
Studies have shown that 40 percent of 12th graders, 30 percent of 10th graders and 13 percent of 8th graders have used a drug in the past year. According to the CDC, by the end of high school 72% of teens will have consumed alcohol and those who started drinking before the age of 15 […]
New Year, New Resolution!
With a New Year (and new decade) recently starting, many people have made and started on their new year’s resolutions. For most people, the resolution is to lose weight, pay off debts, or get organized. This year though, we at The Safe Place want to challenge parents to a new, different goal. We would like […]
Want to Prevent Domestic Violence? Teach Them When They Are Young!
At The Safe Place, it is our job to work hard to prevent domestic violence from continuing. As part of that job, we like to educate the children in our communities in order to help them see that violence is never the answer. Children who grow up witnessing abuse are more likely to abuse their […]