Soon, the halls of the schools will be filled with children laughing and giggling. They will be talking to their friends and making plans for who is sleeping over next weekend. There will be many hugs and a lot of smiles. However, for some children returning to school means returning to bullying, being picked on, […]
The Two Types of Child Trafficking
A very serious yet under-talked-about crime, which is the most heinous of crimes, is child trafficking. Unfortunately, it happens every day, and it happens right here in the small-town USA and all over this great country. There are two types of trafficking. The first and most gruesome is sex trafficking; the other is labor trafficking. […]
7 Reasons to Attend a Safe Place Support Group
One of the resources that The Safe Place offers is a support group for domestic violence victims. We provide many different services including The Safe Place Shelter in Conway County, as well as The Safe Place Resource Office in Perry County. We want to help your take your first step to freedom from abuse but […]
Domestic Violence and PTSD
Humans are very complex in their reactions to life events. Victims of domestic violence often face extremely traumatic life experiences. Domestic violence is when a spouse, dating partner, or close family member uses violence, fear, and intimidation to control and manipulate their victim. Whether the abuser uses physical abuse or sexual, emotional, mental, or verbal […]
Child Neglect
There is a lot of talk about child abuse. There is a month set aside for child abuse awareness, laws and legislation, and a lot more talk about child abuse. While we need attention to child abuse, we also need attention shined on child neglect. Child neglect makes up 78% of maltreatment cases, yet it […]
June is PTSD Awareness Month: PTSD in Children
June is starting a little wet here in the River Valley, but with that rain comes beautiful flowers to fill the air with a lovely fragrance, clean air to breathe, and streams flowing for us to enjoy. June also brings Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD awareness month. When people typically think of PTSD, they […]
Children’s Mental Health Awareness
May is a beautiful time of the year. The trees have budded out, the flowers spring up, and the harshness of winter is over. As there is a harshness of winter weather, so there is a harshness in the lives of our children and youth around the world; mental health issues. May is Children’s Mental […]
Teens and Risky Online Behavior
Teens and children get online to websites to chat with friends and keep up with the newest trends. It could be music, dances, clothing, where to go, and even what to do. Teens usually do not pay attention to the number of predators online. A predator will spend up to 6 hours a day searching […]
Nation Women’s Health Week, May 9th – May 15th
National Women’s Health Week was created by the federal Office of Women’s Health as a way to encourage women to make choices that lead to better physical and mental health. Here at The Safe Place, the most pressing concern for women’s health centers around domestic abuse. The adverse effects of domestic abuse on women’s health […]
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, Part 2
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. There are several forms of abuse that children can experience: physical, sexual, psychological/emotional, and neglect are what are seen the most. The most taboo and unspoken abuse is sexual abuse. It is estimated that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 7 boys are sexually abused. Those numbers are […]