February is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM). All month long, organizations and schools around the US are coming together to educate teens on dating violence and red flags to look for in relationships. Every year about 1.5 Million high school students admit to being in a physically abusive relationship. Most of the time, […]
Body Shaming is Bullying, too!
Every day children are bombarded with images, songs, and videos of skinny, beautiful, and altogether unrealistic looking young women, young men, as well as adult women and men. They see these images and think they need to be skinny and beautiful just like these people or no one will like them or accept them for […]
Drugs and Alcohol and Your Children
Studies have shown that 40 percent of 12th graders, 30 percent of 10th graders and 13 percent of 8th graders have used a drug in the past year. According to the CDC, by the end of high school 72% of teens will have consumed alcohol and those who started drinking before the age of 15 […]
New Year, New Resolution!
With a New Year (and new decade) recently starting, many people have made and started on their new year’s resolutions. For most people, the resolution is to lose weight, pay off debts, or get organized. This year though, we at The Safe Place want to challenge parents to a new, different goal. We would like […]
Want to Prevent Domestic Violence? Teach Them When They Are Young!
At The Safe Place, it is our job to work hard to prevent domestic violence from continuing. As part of that job, we like to educate the children in our communities in order to help them see that violence is never the answer. Children who grow up witnessing abuse are more likely to abuse their […]
December is National Human Rights Month
December is a crazy month since most everyone is frantically trying to prepare for the holidays at the end of the month. We tend to get wrapped up in buying gifts, getting meals ready, and decorating that sometimes we forget to slow down and remember what else comes in the month of December. December is […]
Speak Up to Stop Teen Dating Violence!
In one single year, 1.5 Million high school students reported that they have been physically abused in a relationship. Of those 1.5 Million high school students, about 57% of their friends knew that they were in an abusive relationship. Many teens feel that they are alone if they are in an abusive relationship or that […]
Internet Safety
Over the last few years, technology has led the way for many social media sites and apps to be created. This is a great way for kids and adults to keep connected and possibly even meet online friends. It is important, though, for parents to discuss the importance of internet safety when it comes to […]
October is National Bully Prevention Month
October has been a busy month for domestic violence victims, advocates, and supporters. Not only is it Domestic Violence Awareness Month, but it is also National Bully Prevention Month. In 2006, PACER’s National Bully Prevention Center founded National Bully Prevention Month, and has worked hard every since to get as many people as possible involved […]
6th Annual Tree-mendous!
The Safe Place, Inc. of Morrilton and Perryville announces our 6th Annual Tree-mendous event to raise funds to support victims of domestic violence. To kick off the Holiday Season in our community while raising funds and awareness for this worthy cause, come join us Saturday morning, November 16, 2019 from 9:30am to 11:00am at 1620 […]