Carol* has been married to James* for 15 years. Over the years, they have built a successful business and a good reputation in their community. James is an outgoing and friendly guy, an asset when doing business. Carol, a woman with a good education, laid her career aspirations aside to help her husband built his […]
Teens Under Stress
According to, the Center for Disease Control reported an increase in teen suicide rates from 2007 to 2017. The number of teen suicides rose from 6.8 deaths per 100,000 to 10.6 deaths per 100,000. These numbers may not seem high, but suicide is the second-leading cause of death for our young teens. Moreover, boys […]
Being POSITIVE at School
It’s that time again and school is just around the corner! Most schools will be starting in the next couple of days to weeks. With COVID, 2020 has been a strange year for everyone and the schools were hit hard because of it. Most schools closed in March 2020 and this month will be the […]
A Plan for Freedom from Abuse
You are in an abusive relationship and want to break free of the violence. How do you do that? What are the first steps? How can you leave safely? First, you need a Safety Plan BEFORE you leave. A Safety Plan is a guideline for how to walk away from an abusive relationship. It gives you […]
Save the Children
Over the last few weeks, you may have seen more people using the hashtag #SaveTheChildren. This is because child trafficking has been brought into the public eye more and more over the last few months and people are wanting to work together to stop it. Recently, there have been several protests that have also taken […]
Effects of Domestic Violence, Part 2: Teens
As you may have read in our previous blog, Effects of Domestic Violence, Part 1: Children , domestic violence affects millions of children each year. It is reported that in homes where there is partner violence, there is a 45% to 60% chance that the child is also being abused. If the child is not […]
Effects of Domestic Violence, Part 1: Children
More than 15 million children live in a house where domestic violence has occurred at least once. This could be that the parents were being abused and the child was just exposed to the violence, or it could be that the child is also being abused. Whichever the case may be, these children have higher […]
What are the ‘Red Flags’ that a Friend is being Abused?
In the United States, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner. 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have faced some type of physical violence by an intimate partner. (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence) With statistics that high, it’s likely that you know someone that is experiencing domestic violence. What […]
Summertime Safe Dating Tips
Summer is here and teens everywhere are excited because it is summer vacation! This means they can hang out with their friends and maybe even go to some parties with the boy or girl they had been crushing on throughout the school year. As a parent, the teenage years can be difficult navigating when your […]
What Are The Long-term Health Effects of Domestic Violence?
We can all imagine the immediate effects of domestic violence on the individual that experiences the abuse – bruising, cuts, broken bones, internal injuries, etc. But what are the long-term effects of the violence on a victim? Studies are showing that the long-term effects are great. Research is revealing that trauma, including domestic violence, alters […]