April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. There are several forms of abuse that children can experience: physical, sexual, psychological/emotional, and neglect are what are seen the most. The most taboo and unspoken abuse is sexual abuse. It is estimated that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 7 boys are sexually abused. Those numbers are […]
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, Part 1
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. The theme this year is “Thriving Children and Families: Prevention with Purpose.” The Children’s Bureau decided to go with this theme because they understand that the single most important thing we can do is support families all year long in ways that promote and build upon their strengths and […]
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Chances are that someone you know has been sexually assaulted. It is estimated that more than 1 out of every 3 women and nearly 1 out of ever 4 men have been sexually assaulted during their lives. Sexual assault can include any type of sexual activity that occurs without consent of the victim. It can […]
Breaking Up with an Abusive Partner: Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention, Part 4
As you may know, The Safe Place has been doing a miniseries on teen dating violence since last month was Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month. This will be the last blog in our miniseries and in it, we will be going over very important tips for breaking up with an abusive or unhealthy […]
How to Help a Friend in an Abusive Relationship: Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention, Part 3
If you keep up with our blogs here at The Safe Place, you know we have been doing a miniseries on Teen Dating Violence. Last month was Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention month and we here at Safe Place have a passion for making everyone aware of the dangers that can be going on […]
March is Women’s History Month, Part 2
In part 2 of the history of domestic violence in our nation written to shed light on this issue for Women’s History Month, we see that we’ve come a long way as a nation in our fight against domestic violence but we still have a long way to go. To read part 1, click HERE. […]
March is Women’s History Month, Part 1
As we celebrate March as National Women’s History Month, it seems appropriate to share the history of how our views of domestic violence against women has changed throughout the history of this nation. So much has changed since our early days – culturally, politically, and legally. In the early history of our nation, the early […]
February is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, Part 2
If you read our last blog, you know that February is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month. On the week of February 8th, there were different things you could have done to show your support of the awareness month and we hope that everyone participated in these challenges throughout the week! Showing your […]
February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month
When most people think of domestic or dating violence, they think of adults being abused. The unfortunate fact is that there are millions of teens who experience this same thing in their relationships during middle and high school. The CDC estimates nearly 1 in 11 females and 1 in 15 males have experience physical dating […]
January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month
Since 2007, January 11th has been recognized as National Human Trafficking Awareness day. In 2010, President Obama took this one step further by naming January National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Slavery and human trafficking have been around since very early times in the world’s history. It was not until the early 1800’s that slave […]