The first day of school brings on a variety of reactions. A sweet young kindergartener may attempt to hide herself behind her mother’s legs, being fearful of the unknown. A seventh grade boy may plead with his mom not to linger or take pictures on that first day of school and embarrass him. Even with the wide array of feelings, all students have some traits in common. They all enter with a multitude of past experiences. They all enter a brand new school year.
What can parents do to help their kids promote kindness, respect and the courage to do what is right?
- Take time to listen. Kids will often include their concerns and interests in the stories they tell. Listening gives you a vision into their world.
- Model kindness, respect and courage. When our kids see us helping others or witness us speaking up for ourselves then our kids will most likely follow suit.
- Be consistent and firm with discipline. When we allow disrespect and rudeness, or even encourage it, then our kids may think this is acceptable behavior when it’s not.
- Praise acts of kindness and acts of courage. Emphasize that acceptable behavior, motivating them to continue in it.
- Finally, love your kids. When they feel loved and fully supported at home, they are more likely to share kindness and good behavior with others.
Every child can make a difference for the good in their classroom. Encourage your child to be one of those AMAZING KIDS who helps make this school year an extra special one!
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