October is National Bully Prevention Month and if you have read some of our other blogs, we have talked about what kids can do to stop bullying in their schools or stop bullies if they are being picked on. We suggested things such as having kids offer help to those in need, being inclusive with kids who look lonely, and always using their manners. Yet, kids are not the only ones who can stop bullying. Parents also play a big role in helping kids cope with bullying and getting taught the skills they need to overcome the bullying that is going on.
Psychology Today has many tips they suggest are the best for parents to do when teaching kids ways to overcome bullying. First and fore-most they suggest teaching kids assertiveness and in turn this will teach kids self-confidence. Most bullies like to have power and to get reactions out of the kids they are picking on, so if your child has self-confidence and can be assertive toward the bully, they are more likely to be able to stop the bullying before it gets too far. They also say that doing things such as having conversations about how peers are treating your child, teaching your child good social-skills or enrolling them in classes where they can learn the skills with other children, and modeling good relationships at home, especially when it comes to sibling relationships, are good things to work on with your children as well. You can also enroll your child in sports, have them participate in a variety of social activities, limit TV and phones use, teach empathy and don’t tell your kids to fight back unless as an absolute last resort, and be involved with other parents, teachers, and the school. Don’t expect your child to always be able to work things out on their own. There are times when children can work out problems on their own, but if the bullying is something that continues to go on, it may take you stepping in to help solve the situation.
Psychology Today also says that it is important that you let your child know that bullying is never okay or acceptable and they should be kind to all students and people they come across. U.S. News has a great article where they talk about how parents may need to work with their child and make a plan for what to do if they get bullied and help them practice how to work through certain scenarios. Teaching your child the proper way to respond if they are getting bullied or what to do if they see someone else getting bullied is a powerful way to overcome bullying. If they are not taught and don’t practice the best things to do, when they are actually in the situation it could be hard for them to think in an instant and do what is best to get out of the situation quickly and safely. Children should also have an exit plan for where they can go or a safe person they can go to if they are caught up in a dangerous situation.
Helping your child prepare for bullying has become a huge part in stopping bullying because if your child isn’t prepared, they are usually worse off in the end. If you or anyone you know is struggling with bullying they can reach out to the Child Advocate at The Safe Place at 501-354-1884 for more tips.
If you or anyone you know needs to escape domestic violence call The Safe Place at 501-354-1884, our hotline at 1-888-554-2501, or our Perryville Office at 501-899-2030.
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