October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The month long awareness project started out as a one day “Day of Unity” in October of 1981, created by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. They created the Day of Unity as a way to bring awareness to how much domestic violence occurred and to help advocates who wanted to end the violence against women and their children connect with each other. The day quickly turned into a week-long event and in October of 1987 the first awareness month was created. The Day of Unity is still a part of the awareness month, and is now celebrated on the first Monday in October.
Every year, people come together and give their testimonies to morn those who were lost to violence, celebrate those who lived, and connect with those who want to end the violence. As a part of Domestic Violence Awareness Project’s awareness month, they created the #1Thing movement. This is a movement that takes place each October. The DVAP encourages victims and those who are against the violence to use the #1Thing to bring awareness to everyone on social media and put everyone on the same page.
One of the major topics on the #1Thing movement is #1Thing survivors want to tell their children. Some of the common things they want to tell their children are:
- It’s not their fault.
- The parents are sorry they went through what they did.
- They can do better when they get older.
According to the Kids at Risk Action Group, 30% of kids who are abused and neglected will grow up to abuse and neglect their own children. Also, children who experience domestic violence are 9 times as likely to engage in criminal activity when they get older, even if they only witness the abuse and don’t actually have it happen to them.
So this October if you or anyone you know is a victim of domestic violence do #1Thing to help them get them and their children out. You will not only be helping them, but possibly saving their children from continuing the cycle when they get older. Don’t be a bystander, take action today. So get out there and share what #1Thing you would do to end domestic violence. You don’t have to be a victim to help end it. Just remember Awareness + Action= Social Change.
Every day men, women, and children are broken down by domestic violence and the more people who can get involved in National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the easier it will be for children to grow up and break the cycle. If you or anyone you know is a victim of domestic violence, please call The Safe Place Crisis Line at 1-888-554-2501 or 501-354-1884, or call the Perryville office at 501-889-2030.
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